NAACP Community Info newsletter (1964) and NAACP March, photographs (1975)
National African American organizations were visible and persistent allies with their Boston counterparts, forming local chapters, supporting local movements, and turning up in force for local demonstrations. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) supported the Freedom Stay-out school boycott in 1964, encouraging local institutions to form “Freedom Schools” where students would continue to learn despite leaving public schools in protest. Later in 1975, after years of supporting the drive for desegregation in Boston schools, the NAACP organized a march in Boston on the 21st anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Brown vs. Board of Education that ended school segregation. Representatives from chapters all across the country gathered to demonstrate in support of court-ordered desegregation in Boston schools.
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NAACP Community Info
NAACP Community Info
NAACP Community Info
NAACP Community Info
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
African American community
African American identity
African American activists
African American community
African American identity
African American activists
African American community
African American identity
African American activists
NAACP Community Info
NAACP Community Info
naacp community info
NAACP Community Info
African American community
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People
451 Massachusetts Ave. Boston 18, Massachusetts COpley 7-1058 niOMAS ATKINS, ExecuHve Secretary Published by THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1964 VOL. 2 NO. 1 ADVANCEMENT OF COLORED PEOPLE, Boston Branch ~TAY OUT FOR FREEDOM AND EDUCATION -This statement is for the purpose of clarifying the Branch's position in regard to the School Stay-Out scheduled for February. We do this in order to answer the honest questions of our friends and to reduce the possibility of misinterpretation by the opponents of integrated education in Boston. We, along with every other responsible organization or person in the city, regret the necessity of a boycott, and we continue to hope that the School Committee will see fit to call off this action by answering the complaints which brought it to life. If nothing is done to change the existing sjtuation, then the citizens of Roxbury, and their friends elsewhere in the city, will carry out the stay-out which is the logical response to the School Committee's inactivity. IS ACTION NECESSARY?- Every concerned parent in the Roxbury community knows from experience what educational experts in all other northern cities have recognized; what the State Commissioners of New Jersey and New York and California and Massachusetts have declared ; what the Supreme Court has decreed: The separation of children in the schools harms the chi Idren educationally and psychologically and breeds prejudice in a new generation by keeping the children ignorant of other groups. The new chairman of the School Committee has said: "We have no inferior schools in Boston. What we have is an inferior type of student." In the face of i rresponsi bi Iity of this magnitude, we have but two alternatives: either to accept meekly the indictment of this man or, carry our grievances to those political and rei i gi ous leaders in the city who share our concern lest the liberal image of Boston be smeared across the nation with the mud of inhuman treatment to minority groups. We do not need to name these leaders; you know them! WHAT DO WE HOPE TO ACCOMPLISH?- As a result of the June 18 stay-out of last year, the School Committee has made some efforts to deal with the symptoms (which is an improvement over previous unconcern) while leaving the children separated into racially determined schools, with the i nevi tab Ie result of feeding the myth of racia I differences. These actions, little and late though they were, showed two things: One, an admission by the School Committee that the NAACP's complaints were justly made; two, that in the area of civil rights and vested interests, no change takes place unless it has been preceded by righteous protest. The events of the last nine months have shown that the Schoo I Committee is crying out for moral Ieader-sh i p. We call upon the Governor, the Mayor and the rei igious leaders of our city to give the Schoo I Committee the Leadership it needs, and the leadership the city must have to carry it through the most serious moral crisis it has faced in this decade. They must help Boston to develop effective plans for integrating the school system, in order that there can be true equality of educational opportunity for all the children, regardless of race, creed or color. To those who proclaim belief in our cause while deploring our methods we ask for suggestions which can effect the necessary results. We are, for our part, determined that Boston shall not continue to be the most backward city in the north in this regard, and we are prepared to step up our efforts until the city's leaders have accepted the responsibility which is theirs. WHY A STAY-OUT?- The School Stay-Out is merely another way to bring our case before the bench of moral justice. We cannot emphasize too strongly that our children wi II be staying out FOR education, and not against it. The hours spent at a Freedom School will be of a higher educational and moral value, at this time, than were they spent with a system which has repeatedly shown its inabi Iity to adequately educate our children. The experience of the June 18 stay-out shows that the child who stays out is the child who cares and whose parents care. Following as it does in the direct tradition of those protests which gave this country its freedom, the stay-out must be seen as a Iega I and responsible form of protest for equality and fair play. WE SUPPORT THE FREEDOM "STAY-OUT" SO THAT OUR CHILDREN MAY MEANINGFULLY "STAY -IN". SHOULD SLAVERY STILL BE LEGAL IN MASSACHUSETTS?- It has been brought to the attention of the Boston NAACP that hundreds of southern Negro girls have been brought north with the promise of good jobs as domestic help, and then are duped by legal technicalities into a condition bordering on 18th Century slavery. One such girl, brought here by a Boston agency, was promised $35/ week salary. But when she arrived, she was told she owed the agency $106. and that it would be taken out of her pay ... at the rate of $25/ week. She knew no one in Boston; she had no friends; she had no money. The agency refused to send her back home to Alabama, and when she decided to leave the job they had found for her, they got her another job and charged her another $75. Over a nine week period, she earned $90., while the agency netted $225. The Boston NAACP has filed legislation which would curtail such exploitation by bringing employment agencies under the State Labor Commissioner, and by placing highly restrictive inspection and registration requirements on agencies. It would also shift the burden of repaying the agency from the girls, who are now paying it, to the family for whom the girl is working. This bill will come up for a hearing soon. If you have any information which would be of value to us in eliminating this harmful situation, please contact the NAACP. (over) KENNETH I. GUSCOTT, President DEXTER D. EURE, Press and Publicity Chairman IT'S YOUR FIGHT TODAY ... JOIN AND HELP THE NAACP' �IT'S YOUR FIGHT TODAY ... JOIN AND HELP THE NAACP~ FOR~ How many Negroes does your local merchant employ? How much money does he take out of our community every day? How many of the community charitable causes does he support? These are questions you should be asking yourself each time you go to the storewhether you go to buy milk or to buy manhattans. All those storeowners who do not employ Negroes liberally, who do not support the community which makes their continued profits possible, must bewilling to face the wrath of that neglected community when it refuses to continue giving patronage to those who do not care about us. NAACP READIES WE ALL SELECTIVE BUYING CAMPAIGNS IN THE SPRING - NEED TO REGISTER AND VOTE- In 1964, we will have to decide whether to return to office those people who are currently in office or kick them out. What's that? You say the Negro can't throw anybody anywhere in Boston? That's what the Man has been telling you, because he knows that if there had been a change of one vote in each of the 116,000 precincts across the country, the outcome of the 1960 election would have been different. All we have to do is: register, and then VOTE INTELLIGENTLY. The time is long since past when the Negro could be sucked into voting for everyone but himself. We want to see some more black faces on Beacon Hi II; we want to see some more black faces in City Hall (the front not the back door variety); and we want to see some black faces going to Washington in the near future. None of this can or will happen unless YOU REGISTER AND GET READY TO VOTE. In the voter registration drives of last year, we put over 5000 new voters on the books. Let's complete the job this year. The Ministers of Roxbury were invaluable last year in making the drives as successful as they were. If you need information about how and where to go, see your minister. Your minister represents a tremendous unused community resource. Help your minister to the first 100% registered church! THE END OF THE SLUMLORD- The NAACP has opened a Housing Complaint Bureau at its 451 Massachusetts Avenue headquarters. The Bureau will receive complaints from residents of the community about violations of the safety and fire laws, Building Code violations, sanitation violations, etc., and see that action is taken to remedy the situation. We can make our community a beautiful place in which to live by doing three things: 1. Cleaning up, painting up, fixing up our own houses or apartments. 2. Exposing those landlords or realty companies who refuse to abide by city regulations. 3. Exposing those "clowns' in the community who insist on giving our community a bad name. If you have knowledge of violations in your building, or know of people who do have, please contact the NAACP today (CO 7-1058), so that we can begin to compile the necessary information. Freedom is not only a right- it is a responsibility. We must each do our part. 7 SCHOLARSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE NOW- Last year the Boston NAACP Scholarship Committee awarded more than 25 scholarships to greater Boston students interested in completing their education. You do not have to be an "A" student. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of need as well as academic grades. Call CO 7-1058 for information, or come into our office at 451 Massachusetts Avenue. Time is short. Do not delay. QUOTE OF THE YEAR- ~~The Negro baby born in America today-regardless of the section or state in which he is born- has about one-half as much chance of completing high school as a white baby born in the same place on the same day -on e 1 third as much chance of completing college -one third as much chance of becoming a professional man -twice as much I·: chance of becoming unemployed- about one seventh as much chance of earning $10,000 per year- a Ii fe expectancy which · is seven year less-and the prospects of earning only half as much." (from President Kennedy's Message to the United States Congress on February 28, 1963) . ....--- gjou NEED THE NAACP /THE NAACP NEEDS gjou _ _ JO{I\ S'oday The NAACP wants to make it possible for Negro children to grow up with the freedom to utilize their talents and to make their maximum contribution to the national welfare. It wants white children to grow up free of racial, religious or national prejudices. It wants all children to be a part of the human race. I wish to become a member and enclose Name ............ .. .. I enclose $ .. . ... .............. as a contribution. City and State .. . Address ... Annual Membership $2.00, $3.50, $5.00, $10.00 and up. Youth Membership (under 17) $.50, ( 17-21), $1.00. Life Memberships $500. Memberships of $3.50 and up include a year's subscription to The Crisis Magazine at $1.50. NAACP 1 Boston Branch 451 Massachusetts Ave. 1 Boston 181 �
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Crowd at the NAACP March for desegregation
Crowd at the NAACP March for desegregation
Crowd at the NAACP March for desegregation
Crowd at the NAACP March for desegregation
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
African American community
Civil rights activists
African American community
Civil rights activists
African American community
Civil rights activists
Crowd at the NAACP March for desegregation
Crowd at the NAACP March for desegregation
crowd at the naacp march for desegregation
Crowd at the NAACP March for desegregation
African American community
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
NAACP national march & rally "to support quality desegregation and the Constitution"
NAACP national march & rally "to support quality desegregation and the Constitution"
NAACP national march & rally "to support quality desegregation and the Constitution"
NAACP national march & rally "to support quality desegregation and the Constitution"
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
African American community
Civil rights activists
African American community
Civil rights activists
African American community
Civil rights activists
NAACP national march & rally "to support quality desegregation and the Constitution"
NAACP national march & rally "to support quality desegregation and the Constitution"
naacp national march amp rally to support quality desegregation and the constitution
NAACP national march & rally "to support quality desegregation and the Constitution"
African American community
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People