“Roxbury: Yesteryears” exhibition catalog (1974) featuring John Wilsom, “Breadwinner” lithograph (1942)
Larry Johnson, “Lady Day” (ca. 1970s)
“Recent Acquisitions” notices (1974)
“Roxbury: Yesteryears,” installed in 1974, documented the history of the lower Roxbury area of Boston in the first half of the 20th century. Through artistic representations, written works, and historical artifacts, the Museum painted a rich picture of a largely unknown portion of Boston’s history. From the Museum of the National Center for Afro-American Artists records.
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"Roxbury: Yesteryears" Exhibition catalog, 1974
"Roxbury: Yesteryears" Exhibition catalog, 1974
"Roxbury: Yesteryears" Exhibition catalog, 1974
"Roxbury: Yesteryears" Exhibition catalog, 1974
Museum of the National Center of Afro-American Artists
Museum of the National Center of Afro-American Artists
African American arts
African American identity
Museum exhibits
Local community
African American arts
African American identity
Museum exhibits
Local community
African American arts
African American identity
Museum exhibits
Local community
"Roxbury: Yesteryears" Exhibition catalog, 1974
"Roxbury: Yesteryears" Exhibition catalog, 1974
roxbury yesteryears exhibition catalog 1974
"Roxbury: Yesteryears" Exhibition catalog, 1974
African American arts
Gaither, E.B.
Gaither, E.B.
Museum of the National Center of Afro-American Artists
Gaither, E.B.
�RECENT ACQUISITIONS at the MUSEUM OF THE NATIONAL CENTER OF AFRO-AMERICAN ARTISTS 122 Elm Hill Avenue, Dorchester, Massachusetts 02121 February 26 through March 17, 1974 Contact: B. Gaither, 442-8820, ext. 59 "Roxbury: Yesteryears" , presented by the Museum of the National Center of Afro-American Artists and the Museum of Afro-American History, is a vibrant exhibition on lower Roxbury's history from the 1900's through the 1950's, at the Museum of the National Center of Afro-American Artists, in Dorchester. From February 26th through March 17th, some of the most eminent black artists, such as: Calvin Burnett, Allan R. Crite, Paul Goodnight, Arnold Hurley, Larry Johnson, Al Smith, John Wilson, and Meta Warrick Fuller, narrate the history of Roxbury through their works. One can sense the despair and wretchedness of a black man sitting on a bench in "Madison Park" during the depression, which is expressed in John Wilson's lithograph. You can enter the vivacious "Estelle's Musical Lounge", or transport yourself into the spiritual paintings of Allan R. Crite. From the collection of the Museum of Afro-American History church pamphlets, photographs and documents will be on view. Glimpsing through the "Guardian" and other pieces of social and political literature, you will sense the black man's perseverance and strength, when obstacles were many during the depression and two major wars; yet, Roxbury continued to flourish and survive. Roxbury is a black community that has a fertile and enriching historical past. This prolific community has an artistic cultural heritage unknown to many of the people in Roxbury and Boston. Come and see the history of dedicated black men and women. PUBLIC OPENING: Sunday, March 3, 1974; 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. MUSEUM HOURS: Tuesday through Thursday, 12 noon to 7 p.m. Friday, 12 noon to 9 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, 1 to 4 p.m. AD MISSION IS FREE �ROXBURY: YESTERYEARS �l\1 m e. l\1 ar y L. J o h n 1 o n :5clenttiic S calp 5pectaltst and He. !r Cultun•t WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 10.00 A. M . The League Called to Order by Dr. W. Alexander Johnson President of the Boston i\ egro Business League i\o . I JOHNSON'S SCHOOL OFFICE:.RS D1 \\ e&:c .-\lt-:xar:dt-r Johnson. P r~$ . 7C.S Tro:mont Street of STUDENTS. BEAUTY CULTURE CLASS Or :\!me. Mary L. Johnson. Sup't 1914-1915 Daniel F . Hall. Tre•• Bosto n. Mass �ROXBURY: YESTERYEARS (1900-1950) Museum of Afro-American History Museum of the National Center of Afro-American Artists, Dorchester, Massachusetts February 26- March 14, 1974 �TWELFTH BAPTIST CHURCH One Hundred Years by Faith, (1946). "In the year 1840, some members of the Fi rst Independent Baptist Church (the African Meeting House) withdrew." In 1848 this congregation organized itself at the Twelfth Baptist Church under the leadership of the Reverend Leonard A. Grimes. In 1906 the congregation moved from Phillips Street on Beacon Hill to the former Boston Baptist Tabernacle building on the corner of Madison Street and Shawmut Avenue. CHARLES STREET A.M.E. CHURCH, Photography Charles Street Meeting House, Charles and Mt. Vernon Sts. CHARLES STREET A.M.E. CHURCH to Leave Historic Site. Newsclipping (Boston Chronicle, February 2, 1935) The African Methodist Episcopal Church was founded in Philadelphia in 1791. The first A.M.E. congregation in Boston was organized in 1833. In 1876 the congregation purchased a meeting house on Charles Street. This building was constructed in 1807 for a white Baptist congregation. The African Methodists were one of the last black institutions to leave Beacon Hill. Plans made to move to Tremont and Weston Streets in the 1930's did not materialize. Instead the congregation purchased an Episcopal church building on Warren Street and Elm Hill Avenue in "upper" Roxbury. SAINT AUGUSTINE'S AND ST. MARTIN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Weekly bulletins, 1973, designed by Allan Crite. St. Augustine's Church can trace its origin to 1878 when the Society of St. John the Evangelist, an Episcopalian monastic order, opened a Sunday School for Afro-Americans on Anderson Street on Beacon Hill. At the turn of the century St. Martin 's Mission was founded in the South End. The two came together in the present structure on Lenox Street consecrated on November 11, 1908. It was one of the few buildings built by a black institution moving into Roxbury. Allan Crite has had a close connection to this congregation all his life. Today his art work adorns this parish's weekly announcement bulletins. �Celebration Unification The PEOPLE'S CHURCH OF BOSTON REV :\ \\'. PCLLER. D.D .. Pastor \!.'il l cel~brate Cnil:cation Week as follows : MONDAY EVE.. APRIL 5, 1915 Officera ' Night lll·.r\(l 1:\ Sl \10:\ 1\:\ !.!., l'lld1rm:.n ~ '''"t"..,.. 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"Roxbury: Yesteryears" Exhibition catalog, 1974
"Roxbury: Yesteryears" Exhibition catalog, 1974
"Roxbury: Yesteryears" Exhibition catalog, 1974
"Roxbury: Yesteryears" Exhibition catalog, 1974
Museum of the National Center of Afro-American Artists
Museum of the National Center of Afro-American Artists
African American arts
African American identity
Museum exhibits
Local community
African American arts
African American identity
Museum exhibits
Local community
African American arts
African American identity
Museum exhibits
Local community
"Roxbury: Yesteryears" Exhibition catalog, 1974
"Roxbury: Yesteryears" Exhibition catalog, 1974
roxbury yesteryears exhibition catalog 1974
"Roxbury: Yesteryears" Exhibition catalog, 1974
African American arts
Gaither, E.B.
Gaither, E.B.
Museum of the National Center of Afro-American Artists
Gaither, E.B.
�RECENT ACQUISITIONS at the MUSEUM OF THE NATIONAL CENTER OF AFRO-AMERICAN ARTISTS 122 Elm Hill Avenue, Dorchester, Massachusetts 02121 February 26 through March 17, 1974 Contact: B. Gaither, 442-8820, ext. 59 "Roxbury: Yesteryears" , presented by the Museum of the National Center of Afro-American Artists and the Museum of Afro-American History, is a vibrant exhibition on lower Roxbury's history from the 1900's through the 1950's, at the Museum of the National Center of Afro-American Artists, in Dorchester. From February 26th through March 17th, some of the most eminent black artists, such as: Calvin Burnett, Allan R. Crite, Paul Goodnight, Arnold Hurley, Larry Johnson, Al Smith, John Wilson, and Meta Warrick Fuller, narrate the history of Roxbury through their works. One can sense the despair and wretchedness of a black man sitting on a bench in "Madison Park" during the depression, which is expressed in John Wilson's lithograph. You can enter the vivacious "Estelle's Musical Lounge", or transport yourself into the spiritual paintings of Allan R. Crite. From the collection of the Museum of Afro-American History church pamphlets, photographs and documents will be on view. Glimpsing through the "Guardian" and other pieces of social and political literature, you will sense the black man's perseverance and strength, when obstacles were many during the depression and two major wars; yet, Roxbury continued to flourish and survive. Roxbury is a black community that has a fertile and enriching historical past. This prolific community has an artistic cultural heritage unknown to many of the people in Roxbury and Boston. Come and see the history of dedicated black men and women. PUBLIC OPENING: Sunday, March 3, 1974; 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. MUSEUM HOURS: Tuesday through Thursday, 12 noon to 7 p.m. Friday, 12 noon to 9 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, 1 to 4 p.m. AD MISSION IS FREE �ROXBURY: YESTERYEARS �l\1 m e. l\1 ar y L. J o h n 1 o n :5clenttiic S calp 5pectaltst and He. !r Cultun•t WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 10.00 A. M . The League Called to Order by Dr. W. Alexander Johnson President of the Boston i\ egro Business League i\o . I JOHNSON'S SCHOOL OFFICE:.RS D1 \\ e&:c .-\lt-:xar:dt-r Johnson. P r~$ . 7C.S Tro:mont Street of STUDENTS. BEAUTY CULTURE CLASS Or :\!me. Mary L. Johnson. Sup't 1914-1915 Daniel F . Hall. Tre•• Bosto n. Mass �ROXBURY: YESTERYEARS (1900-1950) Museum of Afro-American History Museum of the National Center of Afro-American Artists, Dorchester, Massachusetts February 26- March 14, 1974 �TWELFTH BAPTIST CHURCH One Hundred Years by Faith, (1946). "In the year 1840, some members of the Fi rst Independent Baptist Church (the African Meeting House) withdrew." In 1848 this congregation organized itself at the Twelfth Baptist Church under the leadership of the Reverend Leonard A. Grimes. In 1906 the congregation moved from Phillips Street on Beacon Hill to the former Boston Baptist Tabernacle building on the corner of Madison Street and Shawmut Avenue. CHARLES STREET A.M.E. CHURCH, Photography Charles Street Meeting House, Charles and Mt. Vernon Sts. CHARLES STREET A.M.E. CHURCH to Leave Historic Site. Newsclipping (Boston Chronicle, February 2, 1935) The African Methodist Episcopal Church was founded in Philadelphia in 1791. The first A.M.E. congregation in Boston was organized in 1833. In 1876 the congregation purchased a meeting house on Charles Street. This building was constructed in 1807 for a white Baptist congregation. The African Methodists were one of the last black institutions to leave Beacon Hill. Plans made to move to Tremont and Weston Streets in the 1930's did not materialize. Instead the congregation purchased an Episcopal church building on Warren Street and Elm Hill Avenue in "upper" Roxbury. SAINT AUGUSTINE'S AND ST. MARTIN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Weekly bulletins, 1973, designed by Allan Crite. St. Augustine's Church can trace its origin to 1878 when the Society of St. John the Evangelist, an Episcopalian monastic order, opened a Sunday School for Afro-Americans on Anderson Street on Beacon Hill. At the turn of the century St. Martin 's Mission was founded in the South End. The two came together in the present structure on Lenox Street consecrated on November 11, 1908. It was one of the few buildings built by a black institution moving into Roxbury. Allan Crite has had a close connection to this congregation all his life. Today his art work adorns this parish's weekly announcement bulletins. �Celebration Unification The PEOPLE'S CHURCH OF BOSTON REV :\ \\'. PCLLER. D.D .. Pastor \!.'il l cel~brate Cnil:cation Week as follows : MONDAY EVE.. APRIL 5, 1915 Officera ' Night lll·.r\(l 1:\ Sl \10:\ 1\:\ !.!., l'lld1rm:.n ~ '''"t"..,.. "Tl't.' :\ t:r:'O lhptlSt' { hurc h m Bd~ton ' ......\.~ • 1 0 ·t; l he d 1 ~ cu ~"-nl b\ n:pn.·~(.:ntatl\ cr-'Utticel ... .. : · c;reater Boston TUESDAY EVE ., APRIL T he h)lln\\ m~ ( 1· g.lnl /:lilr:n -. \\111 j·,:~run 6. n.qJ.i="t 1915 1.. ,; ·' ""-·~ Club Night p .. rtKlpate :\l r< R 1.....3\\S(ln. l'rt.:s ;ceLi. F JmunJ F ..lor.cs, Ch.unn.