The Real Meaning of Freedom of Choice editorial (ca. 1977-1979)
An editorial written by Esther Mosak of the Women’s Issues Program on what constitutes a common “Women’s Lib” view of the true freedom of choice. From the Abortion Action Coalition records.
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real meaning of freedom of choice
real meaning of freedom of choice
real meaning of freedom of choice
real meaning of freedom of choice
American Friends Service Commitee
Abortion Action Coalition (Boston, Mass.)
American Friends Service Commitee
Abortion Action Coalition (Boston, Mass.)
Women's liberation movement
Women's health
Women's liberation movement
Women's health
Women's liberation movement
Women's health
real meaning of freedom of choice
The real meaning of freedom of choice
real meaning of freedom of choice
The real meaning of freedom of choice
Women's liberation movement
American Friends Service Commitee
Abortion Action Coalition (Boston, Mass.)
American Friends Service Commitee
The Real Meaning of Freedom of Choice \ Do you know what it is like to hold a woof the quality of life available to the child man's hand while she is going through an aboronce in the world. And what about the sanctity tion? It is one of the most demanding experiof the mother's life? }fust we not respect her ences I have ever had to deal with, and I can refusal to be the passive vehicle for someone not begin to imagine what it must be like for else's mystical idea? Even those who feel their the woman in this situation. ideas about the unborn are based in reality I held many hands during my four years as rather than mysticism must consider the implian abortion counselor in a Boston area clinic. cations of forcing that view on a woman who may For the most part, they were women who already not share it. Her responsibility will go on well beyond the physical act of child-bearing. had several children--poor and Third World women. I want to share some of what I learned "Giving life" involves a commitment to from working with them. maintain materially and nurture emotionally the First, women are held responsible by most young person, a commitment that is often diffimembers of society for the use of birth control. cult or impossible in present social conditions. Although there are many forms of contraception, If a woman conscientiously decides that she canand although they may be used faithfully, there not raise a child, we may mourn that as one of is no 100% safe and effective method. All wothe tragedies of our social system. But we may men of childbearing age must deal on some level not condemn its victims; rather we should comwith the possibility of pregnancy. It is my mit ourselves to the long-term struggle to personal experience that no woman wants to face change those conditions. the possibility of having to have an abortion. In the short-term, women are entitled to Counseling does not begin when the woman our full support for the limited legal guaranwalks through the door of the cllnic, but ratees of their reproductive rights, such as acther when she makes the phone call to set the cess to safe, affordable abortion and protecappointment. This first encounter can make a tion from sterilization abuse. Some who conbig difference in how she views herself as a scientiously oppose these rights have offered, woman. Sometimes it is the first time she adas an alternative to abortion, to assist the mits the realization of her pregnancy to herexpectant mother emotionally through a diffiself and to others. It took me a while to cult period. · But are they prepared to provide, realize that for some women the response to the materially and emotionally,for the child for a phone call was the first emotional support they lifetime, as she must? Even if that commitment received since knowing they were faced with an were made, it would remain an individual, isounwanted pregnancy. lated solution, which is really no solution to Now she often faced the decision and resthe ~ocial problem. ponsibility of terminating the pregnancy withThe fact remains that our society is not out the support of partners, family or culture. yet structured to provide all children with all When a woman gives birth the world celebrates they deserve. Until such a time, forcing women and rejoices in her fertility, adulthood and to bear children is a cruel and inhuman pracindependence. When a woman chooses to termit"ice, an act of v1olence committed by those 1n nate the pregnancy, the same support often does power against those who as yet have none. Many not exist. Eve~ if there_is some ~liPRor~, the ______ progressive people share the understanding of final decision is heJr..-6. the power of th-ose Who own the means-of -produc=----=-= I left my job as an abortion counselor be. tion over those who actually do the work. Can cause I felt frustrated by the lack of respect we extend that analysis to consider women as I saw on the part of the medical profession producers (of children) under patriarchy? Who towards women who sought health care, . and parmakes the decisions about when and how much we ticularly by the lack of sensitivity for the will (re)produce? differences one might experience dealing with The choice of reprGducb on mpst he ouJz,6. women of other cultures. Those of us sincerely concerned with the s As the mother of three children, I have ty of 11 e mus cons1 er carefully the meaniDg great respect for life, but I also have respect rof freedom of choice. It means much more than for people having choices in their lives. iecess to the med1cal procedure of abortion. It --Maria L. Albadalejo Meyer means having the necessary economic security AFSC Women's Issues Program (income, education, housing, health care, child Much of the power of those who challenge a care) and emotional support to bring another huwoman's right to choose lies in their manipulaman being joyfully into the world. It means betion of our feelings about the sanctity of life. ing free of the restrictions of rigid sex roles These feelings are legitimate. We need to conso that parenthood is an option, not a burden. front and examine them in order to make rationUntil such true freedom of choice exists al decisions. for everyone, we may certainly continue to exWhat does the "sanctity of life" mean to plore our feelings about the sanctity of life, us? I think we often get caught in a mystical but should actively support women's rights to idealization of the unborn. It might be more control their own bodies. helpful to shift our perspective to the reality --Esther Mosak, AFSC Women's Issues Program �
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real meaning of freedom of choice
real meaning of freedom of choice
real meaning of freedom of choice
real meaning of freedom of choice
American Friends Service Commitee
Abortion Action Coalition (Boston, Mass.)
American Friends Service Commitee
Abortion Action Coalition (Boston, Mass.)
Women's liberation movement
Women's health
Women's liberation movement
Women's health
Women's liberation movement
Women's health
real meaning of freedom of choice
The real meaning of freedom of choice
real meaning of freedom of choice
The real meaning of freedom of choice
Women's liberation movement
American Friends Service Commitee
Abortion Action Coalition (Boston, Mass.)
American Friends Service Commitee
The Real Meaning of Freedom of Choice \ Do you know what it is like to hold a woof the quality of life available to the child man's hand while she is going through an aboronce in the world. And what about the sanctity tion? It is one of the most demanding experiof the mother's life? }fust we not respect her ences I have ever had to deal with, and I can refusal to be the passive vehicle for someone not begin to imagine what it must be like for else's mystical idea? Even those who feel their the woman in this situation. ideas about the unborn are based in reality I held many hands during my four years as rather than mysticism must consider the implian abortion counselor in a Boston area clinic. cations of forcing that view on a woman who may For the most part, they were women who already not share it. Her responsibility will go on well beyond the physical act of child-bearing. had several children--poor and Third World women. I want to share some of what I learned "Giving life" involves a commitment to from working with them. maintain materially and nurture emotionally the First, women are held responsible by most young person, a commitment that is often diffimembers of society for the use of birth control. cult or impossible in present social conditions. Although there are many forms of contraception, If a woman conscientiously decides that she canand although they may be used faithfully, there not raise a child, we may mourn that as one of is no 100% safe and effective method. All wothe tragedies of our social system. But we may men of childbearing age must deal on some level not condemn its victims; rather we should comwith the possibility of pregnancy. It is my mit ourselves to the long-term struggle to personal experience that no woman wants to face change those conditions. the possibility of having to have an abortion. In the short-term, women are entitled to Counseling does not begin when the woman our full support for the limited legal guaranwalks through the door of the cllnic, but ratees of their reproductive rights, such as acther when she makes the phone call to set the cess to safe, affordable abortion and protecappointment. This first encounter can make a tion from sterilization abuse. Some who conbig difference in how she views herself as a scientiously oppose these rights have offered, woman. Sometimes it is the first time she adas an alternative to abortion, to assist the mits the realization of her pregnancy to herexpectant mother emotionally through a diffiself and to others. It took me a while to cult period. · But are they prepared to provide, realize that for some women the response to the materially and emotionally,for the child for a phone call was the first emotional support they lifetime, as she must? Even if that commitment received since knowing they were faced with an were made, it would remain an individual, isounwanted pregnancy. lated solution, which is really no solution to Now she often faced the decision and resthe ~ocial problem. ponsibility of terminating the pregnancy withThe fact remains that our society is not out the support of partners, family or culture. yet structured to provide all children with all When a woman gives birth the world celebrates they deserve. Until such a time, forcing women and rejoices in her fertility, adulthood and to bear children is a cruel and inhuman pracindependence. When a woman chooses to termit"ice, an act of v1olence committed by those 1n nate the pregnancy, the same support often does power against those who as yet have none. Many not exist. Eve~ if there_is some ~liPRor~, the ______ progressive people share the understanding of final decision is heJr..-6. the power of th-ose Who own the means-of -produc=----=-= I left my job as an abortion counselor be. tion over those who actually do the work. Can cause I felt frustrated by the lack of respect we extend that analysis to consider women as I saw on the part of the medical profession producers (of children) under patriarchy? Who towards women who sought health care, . and parmakes the decisions about when and how much we ticularly by the lack of sensitivity for the will (re)produce? differences one might experience dealing with The choice of reprGducb on mpst he ouJz,6. women of other cultures. Those of us sincerely concerned with the s As the mother of three children, I have ty of 11 e mus cons1 er carefully the meaniDg great respect for life, but I also have respect rof freedom of choice. It means much more than for people having choices in their lives. iecess to the med1cal procedure of abortion. It --Maria L. Albadalejo Meyer means having the necessary economic security AFSC Women's Issues Program (income, education, housing, health care, child Much of the power of those who challenge a care) and emotional support to bring another huwoman's right to choose lies in their manipulaman being joyfully into the world. It means betion of our feelings about the sanctity of life. ing free of the restrictions of rigid sex roles These feelings are legitimate. We need to conso that parenthood is an option, not a burden. front and examine them in order to make rationUntil such true freedom of choice exists al decisions. for everyone, we may certainly continue to exWhat does the "sanctity of life" mean to plore our feelings about the sanctity of life, us? I think we often get caught in a mystical but should actively support women's rights to idealization of the unborn. It might be more control their own bodies. helpful to shift our perspective to the reality --Esther Mosak, AFSC Women's Issues Program �