Countering Hate Violence Against Gay Men and Lesbians in Boston, press release and 10-point plan (1990)

1990 saw a disturbing rise in “gay-bashings” and other hate-related crimes against gay men and lesbians in Boston. Working with Boston city-leaders to reduce anti-gay violence and broaden awareness about the problem, the Greater Boston Lesbian/Gay Political Alliance released a 10-point plan to Boston police and city officials suggesting ways to ensure the safety of the gay community and to prosecute hate-crime perpetrators. From the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Political Alliance of Massachusetts records.

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Alliance to Announce 10-Point Plan for Combatting Gaybashings
Greater Boston Lesbian and Gay Political Alliance
Countering Hate Violence Against Gay Men and Lesbians in Boston: The Ten Point Plan: A Proposed Action Program for Boston City Government and Police
Greater Boston Lesbian and Gay Political Alliance
Alliance Ten Point Plan Executive Summary p. 2
Greater Boston Lesbian and Gay Political Alliance