Abortion: Our Right to Choose flyer (ca. 1978-1979)
This flyer from the Abortion Action Coalition encourages pro-choice supporters to write their legislators and encourage them to vote against anti-abortion laws, such as the Doyle-Flynn anti-abortion bill. The Doyle-Flynn bill cut state funding for abortions, following the national adoption of the Hyde Amendment, which allowed states to restrict Medicaid payments for abortions. The Abortion Action Coalition was founded in Boston, Massachusetts in 1977 in response to the Doyle-Flynn bill, and disbanded in 1980. From Abortion Action Coalition records.
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Abortion: our right to choose
Abortion: our right to choose
Abortion: our right to choose
Abortion: our right to choose
Abortion Action Coalition (Boston, Mass.)
Abortion Action Coalition (Boston, Mass.)
Women's liberation movement
Women's health
Women's liberation movement
Women's health
Women's liberation movement
Women's health
Abortion: our right to choose
Abortion: our right to choose
abortion our right to choose
Abortion: our right to choose
Women's liberation movement
Abortion Action Coalition (Boston, Mass.)
Abortion Action Coalition (Boston, Mass.)
ABORTION: OUR RIGHT TO CHOOSE Our right to abortion is still in jeopardy and from the Sup reme Cour t t o Jimmy Carter t o Henry Hyd e to Joseph Califano to John Dool i ng to Charles Doyle and Raymond Flynn, it's up to white men to decide. their r ight to decide. V Jell, it's not It's ours. This attack upon abortion is one of a series of attacks upon the rights of women, Third World people, welfare recipients, workers e nd gay peopl e that h ave characterized this recent period of history. It is frightening how the right has banded together to take away the gains p e ople struggled to win in the 60's. us. They are trying to erase that struggl e and to eras e And these forces are all the same people. and their names. They just change their hats The anti-ERA Phyllis Schafleys, the anti-busing, ROAR Louise Day Hickes, the anti-gay Anita Bryants are all the same people and they are definitely out to get us. It's us who are going to die from illegal abortions, not them. ~% In 196 9 , of the women who died from abortions were Third World women. H.E. W. estimates, is not ashamed to estimate, that 250-300 women will die ever~· year as a result of th e Hyde Amendment and that 25,000 women will be hospitalized with serious medical complications as a result of illegal abbrtions. They talk about right to life. Whose life? poor, Third World women to life. Clearly not tbe rights of The fetus fetishists get all teary-eyed and sentimental about the right of every embryo to live. They say that abortion is murder but they will be responsible for the murder of countless women if the Doyle-Flynn bill is passed. Babies and human life are not their concern at all, but the oppression and control of women. They know that when a woman is in control of her reproduction she is in a much better position to control and make decisions in o ther areas of her life. patriarchs will not allow this. The Patriarchy does not allow this. Another disastrous result of the denial of the right to abortion will be an increase in sterilization and sterilizati on abuse of Thjrd World women. The very same women who will no longer hav e access to abortion if the Doylefi,lynn bi 11 passes and the Hyde Amendment i f! enforced are tb e ones who are alrendy in the most danger of being steriljz ed against thej r wi 1 ls. H.E.W. alre ady spends more mo ne y for sterilization than it does fo:r ab o rtion and the amoun t is likely to increase. Poor women will be forced to "choose" sterilization as a last resort for limiting their families if abortion is no longer available. This is truly genocidal because sterilization means �that y ou are permanen tly unable to reproduce instead of be ing able t o choose t he time when you may have chil dr en in the future. No ex i s t ing contracep ti ve method is foolproof no matter ho w conscienti ously used. I f the governme n t and compulsory pregnancy forces we re really serious about this issue they would be working day and night and p ouring mill ions of do l l a rs into developing a contraceptive method that is b oth medicall y safe and effective. And even then abortion would be necessary in som e cases as a ba c k-up measure. But, of course, they aren't serious, exc ept ab out curta i l i ng the rights o f us all. How can we take a govern ,rtent and a society's pro-life stance seriously when they are the same people who also brought us the neutron bomb, a bomb that kills people and l eaves prop er ty intact? The Supreme Court decision of 1973 said that it is between a woman and her doctor t o decide if she wants to terminate a pregnancy. It does not s ay that ev e ry American woman must undergo abo r tion, it merely says that if she wants to have an abortion, as women throughout the age s have in a valid e f fort to control their fertility, she will not have to die in t he attempt. The Doyle-Flynn bill, the Hyde Amendement and the Supreme ' ourt decis ion (leav i n g the choice of spending federal Medicaid funds for abortion up to individual states) are nothing but sexist and racist attac k s on poor people. I don't know how many of you knew Fannie Lou Hamer, a poor Black woman, a civil r i ghts activist and a freedom fighter. She died thi s year and I just found out this week that in the early 60's she was a victim of forced sterilization. I have a feeling where she would stand on t his issue if she were with us today. sick and tired." She used to say 1 HI 'm sick and ti :r'"'ed of being I think we are all sick and tired of bei n g sick and tired. It's time for the oppressors who are trying to control us t o get real sick and real tired. We demand a woman's right to choose! WHAT CAN YO U DO? 1. You and your f~iends can write your legislators on both the state and federal level, telling them to vote Rga i nst anti-aborti 'Jf! bj lls. ca ll them at home to stress the urgency. 2. Write letters to the Globe, Herald and other papers exp r essing the need for women's freedom of choice. ). Contact the Abortion Action Coalitio n at 492-4845 to he l p with the fight. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL THE ABORTION ACT I ON COALITION AT 492-4845. �
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Abortion: our right to choose p. 2
Abortion: our right to choose p. 2
Abortion: our right to choose p. 2
Abortion: our right to choose p. 2
Abortion Action Coalition
Abortion Action Coalition
Women's liberation movement
Women's health
Women's liberation movement
Women's health
Women's liberation movement
Women's health
Abortion: our right to choose p. 2
Abortion: our right to choose p. 2
abortion our right to choose p 000002
Abortion: our right to choose p. 2
Women's liberation movement
Abortion Action Coalition
Abortion Action Coalition