Northeastern University “Women’s Center to open with a series of activities” clipping (1974)
“The Women’s Liberation movement at Northeastern is alive and growing…”
An article from the Northeastern University News describing the opening of a Women’s Center at NU as a place for women to meet each other, develop projects and services, relax, and read. The center also served as a base for women’s programs. Staff provided information about birth control and offered workshops for self-defense. Northeastern University News. Vol. LV, No. 12, page 7.
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Women's Center to open with series of activities.
Women's Center to open with series of activities.
Women's Center to open with series of activities.
Women's Center to open with series of activities.
Northeastern University News
Northeastern University News
Women's liberation movement
Women's issues
Resource center
Women's liberation movement
Women's issues
Resource center
Women's liberation movement
Women's issues
Resource center
Women's Center to open with series of activities.
Women's Center to open with series of activities.
womens center to open with series of activities
Women's Center to open with series of activities.
Women's liberation movement
Welsh, Sue
Welsh, Sue
Northeastern University News
Welsh, Sue
omen's Center to open •th series of activities ~ BV SUE WELSH The Women's Liberation movement at Northeastern is alive and growing as a new Women's Center will mark its grand opening here Monday. The center, formerly the women's lounge in the basement ofthe Ell Center, will serve as a communications, resource and organizing center for women on campus. To acquaint women with the center, a series of activities have been planned for the first week. Every day from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. the center will host an open house for all campus women. A film entitled "Growing Up Female" will be screened every day at noon. Literature by and about women also will be available. Women are encouraged to drop by the and find out about already existing pro)ect groups or meet women interested in a partic~lar issue. cen~er A women's studies group is already in progress. Other interest groups suggested include child care, health care, consciousness raising, black women's Liberation, security and the problem of rape. The center is the result of the efforts of a group of women students, staff and faculty. A statement drawn up by them said, "Out of these meetings has come an overwhelming sense of urgency for the development of a resource center for women on campus. We feel our ideas represen~ a consensus of the women on campus, and also reflect the mood and movement of women on university and college campuses across the country ." "The Women's Resource Center could be a place where i~dividuals develop projects Uld women's lounge A new Women ·s Center. located m the basement of the El/ Student Center wi/1 open "!7onday to serve as a resource and organtzmg center foral/ campus women . - Photo by Mike Glasheen. and services and offer resources 1n different areas," the statement said. A meeting is planned following the opening week to in vol ve all interested women in determining the structure and future activities of the center. Project eyes women Writing women back into history is a major concem of the women's movement. The Women's Studies Project, a part of the N ortheastem Women's Center, has been tackling this p:roblem. Compiling an initial list of courses at Northeastern dealing in whole or in part with women's life or history is one of their first projects. Publication of the list, including names ofresource people on campus for women's studies projects, will occur in early February. They also plan to include audio-visual and library materials related to women in the near future. .. Patsy Hynes, a participant m the project, said, "Women's studies is important because w.omen have been forgotten in history and literature." "lt's an a'ttempt to find the role of women in history and to look at the life ofwomen today. 9ur economic status, our role In ~he family, and the attitudes of mstitutions like the church or psychiatry towards women are part of women's studies" she said. ' Future projects in elude a day of. film screenings on women, Wlth the hope of purchasing sorne for the university. Informal seminars on biopsycho-socio differences in female~ and males, co-op educabon and other topics are Planned for March. t A women's studies coner~nce with other colleges and u~lVersities in the Boston area WJ.ll be discussed at the next ~~mmitt~ meeting Feb. 5 at .30 a.m. m Cushing Hall. • tn history F eminism lives The women 's movement at Northeastern 1s hopmg to grow and expand m 1ts new center m the old women 's lounge, m wh1ch th1s poster can be found decorating the walls. The new center wi/1 offer a communications. resource and organization base for campus women. -Photo by M1ke G/asheen. All Hail Co-op goes one up; cops top job spot By LARZ NEILSON lt was a hurtin' day for Prof. Janus, the co-op coordinator. Two employers canceled their co-op programs during the morning. And now he hadan interview with Arthur Knowmore, the perennial student thorn. 1t started out like any otherco-op interview. Janus asked all the usual questions from behind the usual cardboard smile. "Well, how was the job?" "Terrible. You wouldn't believe it if 1 told you. The only reason that guy hired a co-op was 'cause Lincoln freed the slaves." uwas it really that bad? You're just making noise," Janus said. uNoise! 1 should be makin' noise! 16 hours a day, on salary! Every day, noon to 4 a.m., withonly 15 minutes for lunch," Knowmore said. "What do you expect, banker's hours?" asked Janus. "Besides, those are about the same hours yo u keep around school, aren't they?" "Yeah, but drinking hours are one thing. Those were working hours," Arthur said. l(And the work . .. makin' toothpicks out o{ old furniture. How the hell is that related to my major?'' uwell, we {igured it would teach you to break up your heavy tasks into smaller ones," Janus said. "O ka y then, i{ it was such a great job," said Arthur, "then I'm sure that the experience has qualified me for something better. " "That is, if we ha ve anything better. That was one of our best jobs," Janus said, picking up a filing folder. "Let me see . .. Acme Boilerplate ... no . .. American Buggy Whip Company . .. no . .. Alex's Exxon Station. That's just the one for you! 1t's nice and close, right over in Dorchester. You'lllove it. The hours are nice and short." "Alex's Exxon? What am 1 supposed to do,pump gas?" "No, it says here he wants an armed guard for his pumps." "No way!" said Arthur. You'll have to foist that oneoff on someone else. 1s that all you can ·offer me?" "Well, don't say 1 didn't offer you a job. That's all 1 ha ve." "Well, Janus, while you've been goofing around, l've been out checking on jobs myself. 1 saw an ad in the National Enquirer, answered it, and who do you suppose contacted me? Northeastern University! Seems they're looking for a president. So 1 sent in m y application. 1 have an appointment with the selection committee next week,' boasted Arthur. ((Be reasonable. The president of the university has responsibilities you wouldn't begin to understand!" Janus said. "Like what? Giving orders? Ask my last boss if I'm any good at that. 1 sure as hell told him where to gol" . uwell, for instance, thepresident of.the uniuersity has to be able to raise money for the school. " - uAnd 1 can't? I'm already putting up .$900 eu.ery quarter!" Knor,..umore burst out. "But what about the standing o{the university?" asked Janus. "How would it look {or Northeastern to haue a coop as its president?" "1 think it would look great! Can you tliink of a better way for the university to express its confidence in its own CO·Op plan?" Janus was almost conuinced. "Maybe you're right. Think of all the money the universíty would saue, only paying a co-op's salary to the president. They could even giue me a raise!" he said with a greedy smile behind his face. "! don't think my seeking the presidency is at all out of place, " said Arthur with a pompous air. ((Afte r all, Knowmore has to be an improvement o ver Knowless. And if I'm made president, you'll never have to worry about getting me another co-op job." "You mean you'll make me dean of co-op?" said Janus eagerly, wearing an ear-to-ear grin. "Now don't go asking me to promise you a job. Would you be willing to take it on a co-op basis? After they see m y application for thatjob, they may decide that a co-op could handle it best," Arthur said. "Your application! Look!" screamed Janus. ((Why are you applying for two jobs at the same time?" u¡ believe in keeping all m y bases couered, Janus. " uBoy, and 1 don't even have my own application filled out yet!" said Janus. u¡ never realized you were so sharp, Arthur!" �
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Women's Center to open with series of activities.
Women's Center to open with series of activities.
Women's Center to open with series of activities.
Women's Center to open with series of activities.
Northeastern University News
Northeastern University News
Women's liberation movement
Women's issues
Resource center
Women's liberation movement
Women's issues
Resource center
Women's liberation movement
Women's issues
Resource center
Women's Center to open with series of activities.
Women's Center to open with series of activities.
womens center to open with series of activities
Women's Center to open with series of activities.
Women's liberation movement
Welsh, Sue
Welsh, Sue
Northeastern University News
Welsh, Sue
omen's Center to open •th series of activities ~ BV SUE WELSH The Women's Liberation movement at Northeastern is alive and growing as a new Women's Center will mark its grand opening here Monday. The center, formerly the women's lounge in the basement ofthe Ell Center, will serve as a communications, resource and organizing center for women on campus. To acquaint women with the center, a series of activities have been planned for the first week. Every day from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. the center will host an open house for all campus women. A film entitled "Growing Up Female" will be screened every day at noon. Literature by and about women also will be available. Women are encouraged to drop by the and find out about already existing pro)ect groups or meet women interested in a partic~lar issue. cen~er A women's studies group is already in progress. Other interest groups suggested include child care, health care, consciousness raising, black women's Liberation, security and the problem of rape. The center is the result of the efforts of a group of women students, staff and faculty. A statement drawn up by them said, "Out of these meetings has come an overwhelming sense of urgency for the development of a resource center for women on campus. We feel our ideas represen~ a consensus of the women on campus, and also reflect the mood and movement of women on university and college campuses across the country ." "The Women's Resource Center could be a place where i~dividuals develop projects Uld women's lounge A new Women ·s Center. located m the basement of the El/ Student Center wi/1 open "!7onday to serve as a resource and organtzmg center foral/ campus women . - Photo by Mike Glasheen. and services and offer resources 1n different areas," the statement said. A meeting is planned following the opening week to in vol ve all interested women in determining the structure and future activities of the center. Project eyes women Writing women back into history is a major concem of the women's movement. The Women's Studies Project, a part of the N ortheastem Women's Center, has been tackling this p:roblem. Compiling an initial list of courses at Northeastern dealing in whole or in part with women's life or history is one of their first projects. Publication of the list, including names ofresource people on campus for women's studies projects, will occur in early February. They also plan to include audio-visual and library materials related to women in the near future. .. Patsy Hynes, a participant m the project, said, "Women's studies is important because w.omen have been forgotten in history and literature." "lt's an a'ttempt to find the role of women in history and to look at the life ofwomen today. 9ur economic status, our role In ~he family, and the attitudes of mstitutions like the church or psychiatry towards women are part of women's studies" she said. ' Future projects in elude a day of. film screenings on women, Wlth the hope of purchasing sorne for the university. Informal seminars on biopsycho-socio differences in female~ and males, co-op educabon and other topics are Planned for March. t A women's studies coner~nce with other colleges and u~lVersities in the Boston area WJ.ll be discussed at the next ~~mmitt~ meeting Feb. 5 at .30 a.m. m Cushing Hall. • tn history F eminism lives The women 's movement at Northeastern 1s hopmg to grow and expand m 1ts new center m the old women 's lounge, m wh1ch th1s poster can be found decorating the walls. The new center wi/1 offer a communications. resource and organization base for campus women. -Photo by M1ke G/asheen. All Hail Co-op goes one up; cops top job spot By LARZ NEILSON lt was a hurtin' day for Prof. Janus, the co-op coordinator. Two employers canceled their co-op programs during the morning. And now he hadan interview with Arthur Knowmore, the perennial student thorn. 1t started out like any otherco-op interview. Janus asked all the usual questions from behind the usual cardboard smile. "Well, how was the job?" "Terrible. You wouldn't believe it if 1 told you. The only reason that guy hired a co-op was 'cause Lincoln freed the slaves." uwas it really that bad? You're just making noise," Janus said. uNoise! 1 should be makin' noise! 16 hours a day, on salary! Every day, noon to 4 a.m., withonly 15 minutes for lunch," Knowmore said. "What do you expect, banker's hours?" asked Janus. "Besides, those are about the same hours yo u keep around school, aren't they?" "Yeah, but drinking hours are one thing. Those were working hours," Arthur said. l(And the work . .. makin' toothpicks out o{ old furniture. How the hell is that related to my major?'' uwell, we {igured it would teach you to break up your heavy tasks into smaller ones," Janus said. "O ka y then, i{ it was such a great job," said Arthur, "then I'm sure that the experience has qualified me for something better. " "That is, if we ha ve anything better. That was one of our best jobs," Janus said, picking up a filing folder. "Let me see . .. Acme Boilerplate ... no . .. American Buggy Whip Company . .. no . .. Alex's Exxon Station. That's just the one for you! 1t's nice and close, right over in Dorchester. You'lllove it. The hours are nice and short." "Alex's Exxon? What am 1 supposed to do,pump gas?" "No, it says here he wants an armed guard for his pumps." "No way!" said Arthur. You'll have to foist that oneoff on someone else. 1s that all you can ·offer me?" "Well, don't say 1 didn't offer you a job. That's all 1 ha ve." "Well, Janus, while you've been goofing around, l've been out checking on jobs myself. 1 saw an ad in the National Enquirer, answered it, and who do you suppose contacted me? Northeastern University! Seems they're looking for a president. So 1 sent in m y application. 1 have an appointment with the selection committee next week,' boasted Arthur. ((Be reasonable. The president of the university has responsibilities you wouldn't begin to understand!" Janus said. "Like what? Giving orders? Ask my last boss if I'm any good at that. 1 sure as hell told him where to gol" . uwell, for instance, thepresident of.the uniuersity has to be able to raise money for the school. " - uAnd 1 can't? I'm already putting up .$900 eu.ery quarter!" Knor,..umore burst out. "But what about the standing o{the university?" asked Janus. "How would it look {or Northeastern to haue a coop as its president?" "1 think it would look great! Can you tliink of a better way for the university to express its confidence in its own CO·Op plan?" Janus was almost conuinced. "Maybe you're right. Think of all the money the universíty would saue, only paying a co-op's salary to the president. They could even giue me a raise!" he said with a greedy smile behind his face. "! don't think my seeking the presidency is at all out of place, " said Arthur with a pompous air. ((Afte r all, Knowmore has to be an improvement o ver Knowless. And if I'm made president, you'll never have to worry about getting me another co-op job." "You mean you'll make me dean of co-op?" said Janus eagerly, wearing an ear-to-ear grin. "Now don't go asking me to promise you a job. Would you be willing to take it on a co-op basis? After they see m y application for thatjob, they may decide that a co-op could handle it best," Arthur said. "Your application! Look!" screamed Janus. ((Why are you applying for two jobs at the same time?" u¡ believe in keeping all m y bases couered, Janus. " uBoy, and 1 don't even have my own application filled out yet!" said Janus. u¡ never realized you were so sharp, Arthur!" �