Somerville Women’s Center newsletter (ca. 1980)
“…we can overcome the problems we face in our lives and in our community.”
A page from the Somerville Women’s Center newsletter describing its offerings. Monday featured a body image workshop, a mothers’ support group, and a lesbian discussion group. From the Somerville (Mass.) Women’s Educational Center records.
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Somerville Women's Center
Somerville Women's Center
Somerville Women's Center
Somerville Women's Center
A flyer displaying information regarding the mission of the Somerville Women's Center and its weekly schedule of events.
Somerville Women's Educational Center
Somerville Women's Educational Center
Women's liberation movement
Women's issues
Support groups
Women's liberation movement
Women's issues
Support groups
Women's liberation movement
Women's issues
Support groups
Somerville Women's Center
Somerville Women's Center
somerville womens center
Somerville Women's Center
Women's liberation movement
Somerville Women's Educational Center
Somerville Women's Educational Center
OMERVILLE WOMEN'S CENTER--------. The Somerville Women's Center is a volunteer organization of Somerville women from different neighborhoods, backgrounds and lifestyles who have come together for mutual growth and support. We believe that through our ability to work together and to understand and respect each other, we can overcome the problems we face in our lives and in our community. In our work we provide information and referrals operate a mothers' and childrens' drop-in center and initiate activities in areas of concern to community women. We are offering the following activities in response to interests ex~ressed by wom~n.w~o've contacted the center oras outgrowths of ongoln? Center actlv~tles. The support and discussion groups reflect our ~o~m~tment to t~e.l~eal of self help. Although group organizers have l~ltl~l responslblllty for coordinating the groups, the participants w~ll lnfluen?e conten~ and direction. We hope these groups will proVlde a good lntroductlon for women to the Center and will in turn help the Center to grow. MONDA! Motbers· Support Group This group will meet to examine sorne of the issues and concerns of women who are mothers in two parent families. We will work together to create a warm, honest and supportive environment for discussing and sharing the joys and difficulties of motherhood in our society. Sorne possible topics for discussion are: how our relationships with our own mothers influence our mothering styles; how we cope with our own strong negative emotions (guilt, anger, and feelings of inadequacy ) ; how we can and do share parenting responsibilities with our partners and where we we f nd the support we need outside the family. Group members may contribute other topics of special interest to them. Readings may sometimes be used t o help spark discussion. We will meet f o r eight weeks. Meeting time: Lesbian Discussioa Group Lesbians who have had previous contact with feminist theory will focus on political/personal issues of lesbianism. The group will create a format for discussion, study and political acti on on lesbian/feminist issues. Discussions may center around topics like: the role of lesbians in the Women's Movement; what are lesbian politics?;lesbian identified women or any topics members of the group would like to introduce. M eeting time: Bodyworks 7:30-9:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. This six week class will be a safe place for women to relax, explore, and become more aware of, their bodies. We will b e doing sorne warm-up eYercises that will help us focus and ge t in touch with ourselves. A variety of techniques, including creative movement, bioenerg etics, stretching and fantasy work will b e used. We will also be learning sorne basic massage. By listening to our b odies we can discover where we hold tension a n d learn how to take better care of ourselves and each other. M t ing Lime: ee 6 :30-9 p.m. �Across Generatioas Politics of Mothe_ing r Since there's been continued interest in the Women Center's Politics of Mothering study group, a second one will be starting. The present group, which was open only to mothers, is studying the social and economic factors that have historically defined women's roles as mothers. We are learning the ways we are not in control of our roles as mothers; that these roles are determined by male,class and economic priorities. We hope to find ways of mothering that make us feel we have control of that process, and ways to make demands on our society to help us to reach those ends. The new group, of course, will decide what their direction and readings will be. Non-mothers may also b e interested in this group. W omen o f different ages wi ll be coming together in this gr oup to exchange ideas and share viewpoints. We will work to create a safe, warm space for each woman to be open and honest and for communication to flourish. Throu gh this kind of sharing we can gain insi ght to ourselves and to our own mother/dau ghter rel ation ships. F ilms and reading s, su ggested by g roup members, may be used to stimulate discussion. We'll meet for ei ght weeks. Planning meeting time: 7:30p.m. Patterns • ID Relationships In this g roup women from all life styles can explore current and past relationships. Family geneograms (relationships with parents, siblings, grandparents, etc., and their influences on subsequent relationships) will be used as a learning tool. Using this foundation, we will try to identify current patterns. We can then turn our attention to changes we might want to make in our interactions and methods for accomplishing them. The structure of the group will be determined by the needs of its members. We will meet f or six weeks with the possibility of recontracting for an additional six weeks. Meeting time: 5:45-7:15 p.m. Divorce and Separation This is a supportive and educational group, focusing on sorne of the specific problems of recently (within the past year or so) divorced or separated women. The leader will provide information on various aspects of this situation; and participants will be encouraged to share experiences and provide mutual support. The -g roup will meet for eight weeks. A pre-group workshop, to explore interested members' needs, will be heJ.d on Tuesday, March 5, at 8 :30 at the Women's Center. Regu lar meeting time: 8:30-10:30 p.m. We're getting together in this workshop to explore issues and experiences of concern to women in their middle years. We 'll view the film, Ruth Stout's Garden; and then through discussion and sharing we expect to focus on tha energy and potential that are ours. Future meetings can h a ppen on the basis of mutual interest. �TBURSDAY Single Womea·s Group This eight week group will meet to talk about what it means to be single women in this society. Members of the group will decide what they want to discuss. Sorne possible questions to consider are: why are we single; what feels good about it; what are our fears or problems; how do others react to us; do we see being single as a lifestyle and do we expect to stay single? The group may choose to use films or readings to stimulate discussion. Lesbiaa Support Group Lesbians in this support group will look at basic life experiences from a lesbian perspective-coming out; having or not having lovers;relating to families;finding living arrangements; working. Women will have the opportunity to share feelings and problem solving techniques. We will meet without a facilitator and members will together determine the direction of the group. We'll meet for six weeks with the possibility of re-contracting. Meeting time: 7 p.m. CHILD CARE .ETC. It is a Somerville Women's Center policy to provide child care, when necessary, to ensure that mothers will not be excluded from participation in any Center sponsored activities. To achieve this goal, non-mothers periodically volunteer their time for child care. To help keep this commitment to mothers in the new activities, each non-mother participant will be required to do at least one evening of baby sitting in the home of a mother from another group. Mothers are encouraged to register the first week so we can assess their child care needs.The following week non-mothers will register and, at that time, sign up for a child care assignment. All participants are expected to do child care or sorne other Center work. Mothers may choose to offer child care. Otherwise, a four-hour work commitment to the Center will be required in such areas as publicity distribution, typing, newsletter production, and etc. Efforts will be made to orient women who are new to the child care experience. Coasciousaess Raisiag Group Cons-ciousness raising groups create safe non-judgemental settings for women to share experiences with one another.Here women can begin to fit isolated events of their lives into the picture of womanhood that is common to us all. This group's aim will be to promote this context of social awareness. It will also examine the limitations society imposes on a woman's sense of herself and her potential. As we recognize these external limitations we can use the group for support to explore beyond them.The group is open to those of us who are beginning to look at our experiences as women. Participants will choose the discussion topics. We'll meet for eight weeks. Meeting time: 7:30-9 p.m. SUNDAY Good Eatiag for Realtb We would like to talk about ways people can help themselves and each other to make permanent changes in their eating preferences. We will try to explore personal and cultural myths about food and discover ways to make desired changes in eating habits. We also hope to explore ways to help children eat better and to share sources for nutrition education. The workshop will run for four weeks. Meeting time: 7 :30-9 p.m. REGISTRITION REGISTRATION FOR MOTHERS: March l March 3 &2 l0a.m.-7p.m. lla.m.-3p.m. REGISTRATION FOR NON-MOTHERS: March 8 & 9 March lO l0a.m.-7p.m. lla.m.-3p.m. REGISTRATION FEE--$3-$5 To cover cost of space, utilities and printing. 7 DAVIS SQUARE (Under the yellow awning, 2nd floor) �WOMEN'S CENTER 46 PLEASANT ST. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 0Zll9 Non Profit Bulk Rate US Postagc Paid Boston, Mass. Permit S9f»99 �
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Somerville Women's Center
Somerville Women's Center
Somerville Women's Center
Somerville Women's Center
A flyer displaying information regarding the mission of the Somerville Women's Center and its weekly schedule of events.
Somerville Women's Educational Center
Somerville Women's Educational Center
Women's liberation movement
Women's issues
Support groups
Women's liberation movement
Women's issues
Support groups
Women's liberation movement
Women's issues
Support groups
Somerville Women's Center
Somerville Women's Center
somerville womens center
Somerville Women's Center
Women's liberation movement
Somerville Women's Educational Center
Somerville Women's Educational Center
OMERVILLE WOMEN'S CENTER--------. The Somerville Women's Center is a volunteer organization of Somerville women from different neighborhoods, backgrounds and lifestyles who have come together for mutual growth and support. We believe that through our ability to work together and to understand and respect each other, we can overcome the problems we face in our lives and in our community. In our work we provide information and referrals operate a mothers' and childrens' drop-in center and initiate activities in areas of concern to community women. We are offering the following activities in response to interests ex~ressed by wom~n.w~o've contacted the center oras outgrowths of ongoln? Center actlv~tles. The support and discussion groups reflect our ~o~m~tment to t~e.l~eal of self help. Although group organizers have l~ltl~l responslblllty for coordinating the groups, the participants w~ll lnfluen?e conten~ and direction. We hope these groups will proVlde a good lntroductlon for women to the Center and will in turn help the Center to grow. MONDA! Motbers· Support Group This group will meet to examine sorne of the issues and concerns of women who are mothers in two parent families. We will work together to create a warm, honest and supportive environment for discussing and sharing the joys and difficulties of motherhood in our society. Sorne possible topics for discussion are: how our relationships with our own mothers influence our mothering styles; how we cope with our own strong negative emotions (guilt, anger, and feelings of inadequacy ) ; how we can and do share parenting responsibilities with our partners and where we we f nd the support we need outside the family. Group members may contribute other topics of special interest to them. Readings may sometimes be used t o help spark discussion. We will meet f o r eight weeks. Meeting time: Lesbian Discussioa Group Lesbians who have had previous contact with feminist theory will focus on political/personal issues of lesbianism. The group will create a format for discussion, study and political acti on on lesbian/feminist issues. Discussions may center around topics like: the role of lesbians in the Women's Movement; what are lesbian politics?;lesbian identified women or any topics members of the group would like to introduce. M eeting time: Bodyworks 7:30-9:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. This six week class will be a safe place for women to relax, explore, and become more aware of, their bodies. We will b e doing sorne warm-up eYercises that will help us focus and ge t in touch with ourselves. A variety of techniques, including creative movement, bioenerg etics, stretching and fantasy work will b e used. We will also be learning sorne basic massage. By listening to our b odies we can discover where we hold tension a n d learn how to take better care of ourselves and each other. M t ing Lime: ee 6 :30-9 p.m. �Across Generatioas Politics of Mothe_ing r Since there's been continued interest in the Women Center's Politics of Mothering study group, a second one will be starting. The present group, which was open only to mothers, is studying the social and economic factors that have historically defined women's roles as mothers. We are learning the ways we are not in control of our roles as mothers; that these roles are determined by male,class and economic priorities. We hope to find ways of mothering that make us feel we have control of that process, and ways to make demands on our society to help us to reach those ends. The new group, of course, will decide what their direction and readings will be. Non-mothers may also b e interested in this group. W omen o f different ages wi ll be coming together in this gr oup to exchange ideas and share viewpoints. We will work to create a safe, warm space for each woman to be open and honest and for communication to flourish. Throu gh this kind of sharing we can gain insi ght to ourselves and to our own mother/dau ghter rel ation ships. F ilms and reading s, su ggested by g roup members, may be used to stimulate discussion. We'll meet for ei ght weeks. Planning meeting time: 7:30p.m. Patterns • ID Relationships In this g roup women from all life styles can explore current and past relationships. Family geneograms (relationships with parents, siblings, grandparents, etc., and their influences on subsequent relationships) will be used as a learning tool. Using this foundation, we will try to identify current patterns. We can then turn our attention to changes we might want to make in our interactions and methods for accomplishing them. The structure of the group will be determined by the needs of its members. We will meet f or six weeks with the possibility of recontracting for an additional six weeks. Meeting time: 5:45-7:15 p.m. Divorce and Separation This is a supportive and educational group, focusing on sorne of the specific problems of recently (within the past year or so) divorced or separated women. The leader will provide information on various aspects of this situation; and participants will be encouraged to share experiences and provide mutual support. The -g roup will meet for eight weeks. A pre-group workshop, to explore interested members' needs, will be heJ.d on Tuesday, March 5, at 8 :30 at the Women's Center. Regu lar meeting time: 8:30-10:30 p.m. We're getting together in this workshop to explore issues and experiences of concern to women in their middle years. We 'll view the film, Ruth Stout's Garden; and then through discussion and sharing we expect to focus on tha energy and potential that are ours. Future meetings can h a ppen on the basis of mutual interest. �TBURSDAY Single Womea·s Group This eight week group will meet to talk about what it means to be single women in this society. Members of the group will decide what they want to discuss. Sorne possible questions to consider are: why are we single; what feels good about it; what are our fears or problems; how do others react to us; do we see being single as a lifestyle and do we expect to stay single? The group may choose to use films or readings to stimulate discussion. Lesbiaa Support Group Lesbians in this support group will look at basic life experiences from a lesbian perspective-coming out; having or not having lovers;relating to families;finding living arrangements; working. Women will have the opportunity to share feelings and problem solving techniques. We will meet without a facilitator and members will together determine the direction of the group. We'll meet for six weeks with the possibility of re-contracting. Meeting time: 7 p.m. CHILD CARE .ETC. It is a Somerville Women's Center policy to provide child care, when necessary, to ensure that mothers will not be excluded from participation in any Center sponsored activities. To achieve this goal, non-mothers periodically volunteer their time for child care. To help keep this commitment to mothers in the new activities, each non-mother participant will be required to do at least one evening of baby sitting in the home of a mother from another group. Mothers are encouraged to register the first week so we can assess their child care needs.The following week non-mothers will register and, at that time, sign up for a child care assignment. All participants are expected to do child care or sorne other Center work. Mothers may choose to offer child care. Otherwise, a four-hour work commitment to the Center will be required in such areas as publicity distribution, typing, newsletter production, and etc. Efforts will be made to orient women who are new to the child care experience. Coasciousaess Raisiag Group Cons-ciousness raising groups create safe non-judgemental settings for women to share experiences with one another.Here women can begin to fit isolated events of their lives into the picture of womanhood that is common to us all. This group's aim will be to promote this context of social awareness. It will also examine the limitations society imposes on a woman's sense of herself and her potential. As we recognize these external limitations we can use the group for support to explore beyond them.The group is open to those of us who are beginning to look at our experiences as women. Participants will choose the discussion topics. We'll meet for eight weeks. Meeting time: 7:30-9 p.m. SUNDAY Good Eatiag for Realtb We would like to talk about ways people can help themselves and each other to make permanent changes in their eating preferences. We will try to explore personal and cultural myths about food and discover ways to make desired changes in eating habits. We also hope to explore ways to help children eat better and to share sources for nutrition education. The workshop will run for four weeks. Meeting time: 7 :30-9 p.m. REGISTRITION REGISTRATION FOR MOTHERS: March l March 3 &2 l0a.m.-7p.m. lla.m.-3p.m. REGISTRATION FOR NON-MOTHERS: March 8 & 9 March lO l0a.m.-7p.m. lla.m.-3p.m. REGISTRATION FEE--$3-$5 To cover cost of space, utilities and printing. 7 DAVIS SQUARE (Under the yellow awning, 2nd floor) �WOMEN'S CENTER 46 PLEASANT ST. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 0Zll9 Non Profit Bulk Rate US Postagc Paid Boston, Mass. Permit S9f»99 �
Somerville Women's Center p. 2
Somerville Women's Educational Center
Somerville Women's Educational Center
Somerville Women's Center p. 2
Somerville Women's Center p. 2
Somerville Women's Center p. 2
Somerville Women's Center p. 2
Somerville Women's Educational Center
Somerville Women's Educational Center
Women's issues
Women's issues
Support groups
Women's issues
Women's issues
Support groups
Women's issues
Women's issues
Support groups
Somerville Women's Center p. 2
Somerville Women's Center p. 2
somerville womens center p 2
Somerville Women's Center p. 2
Somerville Women's Educational Center
Somerville Women's Educational Center
Somerville Women's Center p. 2
Somerville Women's Center p. 2
Somerville Women's Center p. 2
Somerville Women's Center p. 2
Somerville Women's Educational Center
Somerville Women's Educational Center
Women's issues
Women's issues
Support groups
Women's issues
Women's issues
Support groups
Women's issues
Women's issues
Support groups
Somerville Women's Center p. 2
Somerville Women's Center p. 2
somerville womens center p 2
Somerville Women's Center p. 2
Somerville Women's Educational Center
Somerville Women's Educational Center
Somerville Women's Center p. 3
Somerville Women's Educational Center
Somerville Women's Educational Center
Somerville Women's Center p. 3
Somerville Women's Center p. 3
Somerville Women's Center p. 3
Somerville Women's Center p. 3
Somerville Women's Educational Center
Somerville Women's Educational Center
Women's liberation movement
Women's issues
Support groups
Women's liberation movement
Women's issues
Support groups
Women's liberation movement
Women's issues
Support groups
Somerville Women's Center p. 3
Somerville Women's Center p. 3
somerville womens center p 3
Somerville Women's Center p. 3
Women's liberation movement
Somerville Women's Educational Center
Somerville Women's Educational Center
Somerville Women's Center p. 3
Somerville Women's Center p. 3
Somerville Women's Center p. 3
Somerville Women's Center p. 3
Somerville Women's Educational Center
Somerville Women's Educational Center
Women's liberation movement
Women's issues
Support groups
Women's liberation movement
Women's issues
Support groups
Women's liberation movement
Women's issues
Support groups
Somerville Women's Center p. 3
Somerville Women's Center p. 3
somerville womens center p 3
Somerville Women's Center p. 3
Women's liberation movement
Somerville Women's Educational Center
Somerville Women's Educational Center