Women Assaulted and Raped flyer (1997)
A flyer advertising a Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) workshop to be held in Cambridge, MA. RAD is a nationally recognized self-defense workshop founded by a veteran of the United States Marines and longtime police officer. The workshop focused on safety and awareness to prevent rape, and was offered in response to an assault of a Cambridge woman in 1997. From the Women’s Educational Center (Cambridge, Mass.) records.
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Women Assaulted and Raped
Women Assaulted and Raped
Women Assaulted and Raped
Women Assaulted and Raped
Cambridge Women's Commission
Women's Educational Center (Cambridge, Mass.)
Cambridge Women's Commission
Women's Educational Center (Cambridge, Mass.)
Women's liberation movement
Assault against women
Women's liberation movement
Assault against women
Women's liberation movement
Assault against women
Women Assaulted and Raped
Women Assaulted and Raped
women assaulted and raped
Women Assaulted and Raped
Women's liberation movement
Cambridge Women's Commission
Women's Educational Center (Cambridge, Mass.)
Cambridge Women's Commission
Women Assaulted and Raped · During the Labor Day Weekend, 1997, one woman was raped in the Essex Street parking lot of the Harvest Food Co-op around 9:45 pm and a woman was assaulted in her home on Magazine Street during a break-in at a bout 1:30 a.m. 75 women attended a community meeting on September 17th to express outrage, share information and plan collective action for neighborhood and personal safety. We will not be scared off the streets of Cambridgecome to our next meeting! Community Safety Meeting for Women Wednesday, October gth 7:00 to 8:30 pm First Baptist Church, 5 Magazine Street (the red brick church at the intersection of Magazine & River Streets) 0 Self-defense and Safety Awareness Workshops have given many of us more tools to plan our own safety measures and confidence as we walk the streets. The following workhops are sponsored by the Cambridge Police Department and are FREE. You must re~ister and you must commit to attend all16 hours. To re~ister: 349-6009. II DEFENSE SYSTEMS NEXT CLASS STARTS: ~onday Sept.22 6- 10 pm and continues VVednesday Sept.24 6-10 pm ~onday Sept.29 6 - 10 pm and finishes . VV ednesday Oct. 1 6-10 pm OR Saturday, Oct. 11 10 am- 2 pm and continues Saturday, Oct. 18 10 am- 2 pm Saturday, Oct. 25 10 am - 2 pm and finishes Saturday, Nov. 1 10am-2pm For more info: Cambridge Women's Commission, 349-4697 :> see other side for safety tips :> �Some things you can do ... for your personal safety • your own home/apartment: * lock windows and doors when possible; * install sliding brass window stoppers to prevent window forcing or a wood jam in addition to locks; * hang curtains or shades on all windows and close them at night; * keep a porch light on at night. • your landlord: * ask for installation of bright lights for dark alleys, yards or porches (steady light is best); * ask for dead bolt locks on outside doors and apartment entrance doors; * identify overgrown shrubs or bushes which should be trimmed to eliminate plac.es to hide. * These are Police Department recommendations -- call the Women's Commission if you need help convincing your landlord. • on the street: * keep your eyes and ears open; * trust your instincts and seek safety in a store or any place with people when you feel unsafe; *try to walk/ride with others late at night; * let family/friends know your schedule and destinations; • * choose a route where you know people; * consider a self-defense course for confidence and safety awareness . . . . for community safety • look out vour windows for unusual activity, particularly anyone looking into windows. • call police: use 911 when something is occurring or you are afraid; you can also use 349-3300 to file a report about something which happened in the past or is not immediately threatening; file a formal report- this creates a police record which helps them identify patterns. • notice dark areas with no lighting, overgrown trees or bushes which conceal lighting or obstruct view; call the Women's Commission for help with lighting, trees, etc. • get to know your nei£!hbors and talk with them about any neighborhood problems with safety; seek mutual support in creating a safe, secure environment. Key Phone Numbers: Cambridge Women's Commission 349-4697 (for general infonnation, support, networking with others) Cambridge Police Emergency 911 Women's Center Desk Officer 349-3300 354-8807 (self-help groups, referrals, networking with other women) Rape Crisis Center -- English language Hablan espafiol 492-RAPE(7273) 1-800-223-5001 (24-hour hotline, individual and group counseling) Transition House for Battered Women 661-7203 (24-hour hotline, shelter, advocacy) Victims of Violence Program 498-1284 (counseling for adult victims of trauma; resources for communities affected by violence) �
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Women Assaulted and Raped
Women Assaulted and Raped
Women Assaulted and Raped
Women Assaulted and Raped
Cambridge Women's Commission
Women's Educational Center (Cambridge, Mass.)
Cambridge Women's Commission
Women's Educational Center (Cambridge, Mass.)
Women's liberation movement
Assault against women
Women's liberation movement
Assault against women
Women's liberation movement
Assault against women
Women Assaulted and Raped
Women Assaulted and Raped
women assaulted and raped
Women Assaulted and Raped
Women's liberation movement
Cambridge Women's Commission
Women's Educational Center (Cambridge, Mass.)
Cambridge Women's Commission
Women Assaulted and Raped · During the Labor Day Weekend, 1997, one woman was raped in the Essex Street parking lot of the Harvest Food Co-op around 9:45 pm and a woman was assaulted in her home on Magazine Street during a break-in at a bout 1:30 a.m. 75 women attended a community meeting on September 17th to express outrage, share information and plan collective action for neighborhood and personal safety. We will not be scared off the streets of Cambridgecome to our next meeting! Community Safety Meeting for Women Wednesday, October gth 7:00 to 8:30 pm First Baptist Church, 5 Magazine Street (the red brick church at the intersection of Magazine & River Streets) 0 Self-defense and Safety Awareness Workshops have given many of us more tools to plan our own safety measures and confidence as we walk the streets. The following workhops are sponsored by the Cambridge Police Department and are FREE. You must re~ister and you must commit to attend all16 hours. To re~ister: 349-6009. II DEFENSE SYSTEMS NEXT CLASS STARTS: ~onday Sept.22 6- 10 pm and continues VVednesday Sept.24 6-10 pm ~onday Sept.29 6 - 10 pm and finishes . VV ednesday Oct. 1 6-10 pm OR Saturday, Oct. 11 10 am- 2 pm and continues Saturday, Oct. 18 10 am- 2 pm Saturday, Oct. 25 10 am - 2 pm and finishes Saturday, Nov. 1 10am-2pm For more info: Cambridge Women's Commission, 349-4697 :> see other side for safety tips :> �Some things you can do ... for your personal safety • your own home/apartment: * lock windows and doors when possible; * install sliding brass window stoppers to prevent window forcing or a wood jam in addition to locks; * hang curtains or shades on all windows and close them at night; * keep a porch light on at night. • your landlord: * ask for installation of bright lights for dark alleys, yards or porches (steady light is best); * ask for dead bolt locks on outside doors and apartment entrance doors; * identify overgrown shrubs or bushes which should be trimmed to eliminate plac.es to hide. * These are Police Department recommendations -- call the Women's Commission if you need help convincing your landlord. • on the street: * keep your eyes and ears open; * trust your instincts and seek safety in a store or any place with people when you feel unsafe; *try to walk/ride with others late at night; * let family/friends know your schedule and destinations; • * choose a route where you know people; * consider a self-defense course for confidence and safety awareness . . . . for community safety • look out vour windows for unusual activity, particularly anyone looking into windows. • call police: use 911 when something is occurring or you are afraid; you can also use 349-3300 to file a report about something which happened in the past or is not immediately threatening; file a formal report- this creates a police record which helps them identify patterns. • notice dark areas with no lighting, overgrown trees or bushes which conceal lighting or obstruct view; call the Women's Commission for help with lighting, trees, etc. • get to know your nei£!hbors and talk with them about any neighborhood problems with safety; seek mutual support in creating a safe, secure environment. Key Phone Numbers: Cambridge Women's Commission 349-4697 (for general infonnation, support, networking with others) Cambridge Police Emergency 911 Women's Center Desk Officer 349-3300 354-8807 (self-help groups, referrals, networking with other women) Rape Crisis Center -- English language Hablan espafiol 492-RAPE(7273) 1-800-223-5001 (24-hour hotline, individual and group counseling) Transition House for Battered Women 661-7203 (24-hour hotline, shelter, advocacy) Victims of Violence Program 498-1284 (counseling for adult victims of trauma; resources for communities affected by violence) �