
From the very beginnings of La Alianza Hispana (LAH), organizers identified education as an important component of LAH’s mission, having perceived that the unique educational needs of the Latino community were not being met in Boston. Originally, LAH’s education program focused on adults, but in recent years an alternative program for out-of-school teens was developed as well. Both curricula helped clients advance in their education, while also developing skills necessary for everyday life. In contrast, the educational opportunities offered by Inquilinos Boricuas en Accíon (IBA) were always geared towards youth. IBA’s Cacique Youth program is comprised of several projects, including a “Teen Empowerment” program. Additionally, IBA runs Esquelita Boriken, which provides year-round, educational day care to children under age six.

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La Alianza Hispana report on education
La Alianza Hispana
La Alianza Hispana Department of Adult Education
La Alianza Hispana
Letter on the Villa Victoria Teen Empowerment Project
Harrison-Jones, Lois
Boston Public Schools
"Something I learned in IBA's Teen Empowerment Program is..."
Inquilinos Boricuas en Acción